Financial Roadmap Tool
Financial Independence and Early Retirement Analyser
Input your details & retirement strategy to understand what you need to do to retire comfortably and early in the UK.
Our key KPI's highlight if your finances are on track and your simulation is updated in real time as you tweak your assumptions.
See what compound interest can do for your future when it's spelled out in black and white.
Achieve Financial Independence in the UK
We Focus on making the Complex Simple
At the core of BlackAndWhiteFire.com lies the fundamental belief that planning your financial future shouldn’t be convoluted. Embrace "spelling it out in black and white" our intuitive calculator is here to help demystify your FIRE plan.
Key Features of the FIRE UK Calculator
Immediate Reactivity: The website's simulations react in real-time, providing instantaneous insights into your financial scenarios. Whether adjusting investment assumptions, retirement dates, or considering different access points to your money.
Consideration for Multiple Investment Pots & Access Dates: BlackAndWhiteFire.com acknowledges the diverse investment strategies and timelines individuals may have. By accommodating multiple investment pots and access dates, users can customize their plans based on their unique circumstances and preferences.
Compounding in Defined Contribution End Dates: Understanding the power of compounding is crucial in financial planning. The platform incorporates compounding when defining contribution end dates, emphasizing the significance of long-term investment strategies.
In summary, BlackAndWhiteFire is here to make your financial strategy crystal clear in black and white.
Assumes salaries & bonuses are annual
Assumes salary sacrifice bonus contribution are the same annually
NI Savings from Salary Sacrifice are not included
Income figures are pre-tax
When inflation is populated the principle and contributions are adjusted